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Articles about Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body

A Healthy Mind Makes a Healthy Body

Healthy Mind – Healthy Body Brain activity builds up a healthy body; listen to your mind – help you body It is a known fact that positive imagery has the capacity to generate positive emotions. The connection between our state of mood and the healing process in some cases is very important. When someone visualizes […]

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Common Health Myths

Every area of knowledge has its myths, legends and odd-ball beliefs. Medicine is no exception. Some of the things we hear about are harmless, but others can harm you. Read over the following and see if you recognize anything you have “heard along the grapevine. 1. The liver needs to be regularly detoxified. We are […]

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Psychosomatic Diseases and the Ways to Cope With Them

Origin of Psychosomatic Diseases and Their Treatment Psychosomatic diseases are conditions that have their origin or are aggravated by mental state. So, if a person has a physical disease he might aggravate it by thinking negatively but there are other issues that make a disease psychosomatic. Some of the diseases are triggered by the brain’s […]

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Mind and body connection is better seen in our feelings and their manifestation. Our feelings and thoughts are in a strong connection with our health.
Life events, coping with different stressful situations can have a very strong influence on health.
A study has shown that lifelong exercise can lead to improved brain function in later life.
A good nutrition is also very important for a better brain functioning. Eating healthy and staying hydrated is very important for brain function.