First Aid – Proper Reaction in Time (electric shock, burns, drowning, heart failure and more…)
Learn how to react in different life situations in case of electric shock, burns, drowning, heart failure and more…
First aid is the kind of treatment you give for sudden injuries. Any normally intelligent person can carry them out. All it takes is the ability to make definite decisions and the courage to follow them through. Any lack of decision may be fatal.
Burns: when young children are burned by hot liquids, stoves, radiators, fire cracks, irons, gas fires, and sunburn.
1. Immediate application of ice or the coldest water you can get will often limit the extent of damage.
2. After the cold treatment, you may gently sponge the area with soap and warm water, then apply a vaseline dressing. Bandage this firmly in place.
3. The pressure helps to control the pain and minimize the loss of body fluids.
4. If the pain is severe, give the patient one or two tablets of aspirin and repeat this every two hours as needed.
5. If more than 10 percent of the body has been burned, the patient should be hospitalized without delay.
Electric Shock: Electric shock may injure the nervous system and burn the skin and deeper tissues. If powerful enough, the electric current may stop the heart. Even low-voltage household currents can be dangerous, particularly when the skin is moist. The longer the contact with the current, the greater the danger.
1. If some has contacted a live electric wire out on the road, do not touch with bare hands.
2. Use a dry, dead stick, a dry rope, or clothing to remove the live wire form the victim.
3. Be sure whatever your use is dry, otherwise your may be electrocuted in trying to save the victim.
4. Once contact with the electrical circuit has been broken begin artificial respiration at once.
5. If the heart has stopped, press sharply over the middle of the chest, pushing vigorously about 60 times a minute. This closed-cardiac massage may start the heart going again. Continue until the pulse is regular and strong.
Sunstroke: Sunstroke results form direct heat rays of the sun. At first the victim may be mentally confused and complain of a bad headache. Later he may become delirious. Unless he is given help at once, his blood pressure may fall to a low level, and pulse become rapid and weak.
1. Carry the victim to a cool place as quickly as possible. Keep him lying down.
Remove his outer clothing and apply ice bags or cold cloths to the head and
neck, to help cool the brain and restore the temperature to the normal.
2. If possible, wrap the patient in a wet sheet and then pour cold water over him frequently until the skin resumes its normal color.
3. Rub or massage the limbs in the direction of the heart to aid circulation.
4. Get the victim to hospital or to a doctor as soon as possible.
Faintness and Dizziness: Faintness is common, especially at certain times of life. It may arise from a number of different causes, such as hunger, fatigue, anxiety, or even emotional shock occurs upon hearing bad news.
1. Have the victim bend forward and place the head between the knees. This may be all that is needed.
2. If he does not improve, lay him flat on his back with his head a little lower than the body.
3. Elevate the legs to bring the blood back toward the heart. Keep the patient lying down the body.
4. If recovery is slow, cover him with a blanket and call a doctor. His condition might be due to something more serious than you realize.
Sudden Heart Failure: Sometimes an apparently healthy person will become weak and fall to the ground. After a few minutes he may cease breathing and there may be no pulse.
1. Check the pulse, or better still, lay your ear down on the chest and listen for the normal beating of the heart.
2. Lay the heel of your hand down on the breast-bone or sternum and press sharply about 60 times each minute.
3. At the same time have someone else give artificial respiration, preferably by the mouth-to-mouth method.
4. Do not give up too soon. Some cases have been revived after having appeared ‘dead’ for several hours.
Shock: Shock is an extremely serious condition, due to sudden failure of blood circulation usually due to heart attacks or strokes. Shock is always easier to prevent than cure. The trouble is usually due to insufficient blood to meet the needs of the brain and heart.
1. Keep the victim quiet and lying down. make him as comfortable as you can.
2. Keep him warm. If he is lying on a cold or wet surface, try to work a blanket or some newspapers under him. Disturb him as little as possible.
3. Liquids. Never give any liquid to an unconscious person.
4. Encouragement. Assure him that he is safe and that no harm will come to him if he lies quietly. Do not the victim see his injuries.
Drowning: If the victim is still in the water, try to draw him ashore with a rope or stick. Use a boat, if one is handy. Once on shore, follow these directions:
1. Roll the victim on his stomach. Remove water and debris from his mouth as quickly as possible.
2. Pull the tongue forward, grasping it between the thumb and forefinger. Use a dry cloth to hold the tongue, if necessary.
3. Mouth-to-mouth breathing. If the victim is not breathing, lay him on his back, bringing the chin forward and up. Hold the nose firmly and breathe gently into his mouth 15 to 20 times a minute. This will inflate the lungs and help restore the circulation.
4. Heart massage. If the heart has stopped beating, continue mouth-to-mouth breathing while someone else gives cardiac message by pressing firmly with the heel of the hand over the middle of the breast-bone about 60 times a minute. Be sure to lift the hand off after each pressure.
5. Call an ambulance and transfer the nearest hospital placing the victim under good medical management.
6. Keep him warm.
Accidents: Accidents usually happen in the most unlikely places. A serious fracture may occur, requiring special and careful handling. Here are a few suggestions for applying emergency splints to support a broken bone:
1. Wrap about 30 layers of newspaper around the injured arm or leg, and tie firmly in place. This will prevent further injury until more suitable splints can be applied.
2. If a newspaper or magazine is not available, wrap a pillow or coat around the injured part. Tie firmly in place, using rope, string, a necktie, stocking, or whatever is available.
3. Any narrow board or even a walking-stick can be used to support a fractured extremity. But be careful not to bind the extremity too tightly, for this may cut off the supply.
4. Take charge of the situation at once. Send someone to notify the doctor, telling exactly where the victim will be found.
5. See how badly the victim is hurt. Is he breathing regularly? Is he losing blood? If so, where? Cut or rip the clothing from the injured part, putting pressure over the bleeding points as soon as possible. Be careful not to injure any are where there are broken bones. Always look carefully for signs of burns, or shock.
6. Keep the victim lying down, his head level with the chest, Do not let him sit up. Calm his fears and keep him comfortable.
7. Avoid all unnecessary movement, especially if there is any possibility of a fracture of the spine. Many an injury has been made far worse because well-meaning people tried to carry a victim to a car.
Keep yourself calm. Do what must be done as promptly as possible. Avoid all confusion.
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