Natural Ways to Prevent Cancer
Principles of preventing and fighting with cancer – ways to reduce risk of cancer
What does primary prophylaxis the means?
The primary prophylaxis has as a purpose the removal of carcinogenesis – the process of tumors apparition. First of all, its goal is to eliminate the contact with carcinogens.
How is the primary prophylaxis accomplished?
The most important elements in preventing cancer diseases are:
– Rejection of bad habits like smoking and excessive alcohol drinking
– weight normalization
– diet maintenance
– regular physical activity
What does secondary prophylaxis means and how it is accomplished?
Secondary prophylaxis is oriented to expose and eliminate the pre-cancer diseases, tumors in their early periods of development, as well as prevention of their apparition after the healing process. We may define tumors in early stages using mammography, PAP-dabs (for an early exposure of uterus cancer), prophylactic examinations, definition of onco-markers (BRCA and others.), and exposures of risk groups.
Foods that help prevent cancer – anti cancer fruits and vegetables
Which products have prophylactic elements in preventing the cancer?
– Vegetables, containing carotene (yellow and red vegetables – carrots, tomatoes, radish, etc).
– Vegetables containing a large amount of C vitamin (citruses, kiwi, etc.)
– Cabbage (especially broccoli and Brussels cabbage)
– Garlic
Most healthy vegetables view here
Most healthy fruits view here
What does anticancer diet means?
There are 6 basic principles of anticancer diet – cancer prevention diet
1. Prevention of obesity. It is a known factor that excessive weight is a risk factor for the development of many malignant tumors, including mammary cancer.
2. Decrease of fats consumption. It is well known that fats contain carcinogens. During epidemiological researches there were established a direct connection between the fats consumption and mammary cancer, large intestine cancer and prostate cancer. Foods containing good fats view here
3. Compulsory consumption of fruit and vegetables which supply our organism with vegetable cellulose, vitamins which have anticancer properties.
4. Regular and adequate consumption of the vegetable cellulose which is part of a series of Gramineae, fruits, vegetables. Vegetable cellulose deals with a series of carcinogens decrease the contact of carcinogens with the large intestine as a result of motor function improvement.
5. Moderate use of alcohol. It is a known fact that alcohol is one of the risk factors of cancer development especially for: oral cavity, liver and mammary.
6. Moderate use of smoked and nitro containing food. In smoked (barbed) food there is a large amount of carcinogens, Nitrites are present in sausages (nitrites are often used in giving colors to sausages).
Basics of good nutrition source
Is the physical activity important in preventing the cancer?
Yes. Regular physical exercises prevent the obesity and favor the risk of cancer development.
Do the food supplements have a prophylactic role?
It is difficult o say for sure. There were a few researches in this sense. But we know that the opportune entrance of the microelements, vegetable cellulose (which is often present in food supplements) prevent the cancer development. It is important to know that on food supplements market there are a lot of fakes.
Supplements high in antioxidants read more
Don’t forget about healing the soul first. Be receptive to other people needs; laugh a lot and move, move, move.
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April 7th, 2013 at 11:19 am
prophylactics is the key to preventing any disease including cancer that’s why changing the lifestyle in time could be actually saving rather than burdensome.