When should we consider the alcohol useful? Which doses are considered being medicinal?

It is obvious that drinking is evil and the end of December is a period of the year when everyone understands the fact that you can not avoid drinking alcohol. We will try to find something useful in it.


The “pro” arguments: the most festive drink. It has the capacity to take off the irritability, to restore the appetite and to enhance the gustatory sensations. It is also useful in cases of edemas and cardiac insufficiency, when we need to enhance the elimination of liquids out of the organism.
”Contra” arguments: it’s harmful for people with gastritis.
Facts: French scientist confirmed the efficiency of the old Cold healing method: put in Champaign two pieces of sugar, boil the solution and drink it before sleep. Tannins and sugar give impulse to develop the antibodies, magnesium helps to recovery and liquidate muscles tiredness; selenium helps to stop the development of the infection, sulphur and amino acids decrease the temperature.


The “pro” arguments: red wines are useful for heart, has antioxidant properties, decelerate the aging processes, favor the recovery of vital force and raise the tone and the cheerfulness. The wine is recommended in case of   gastrointestinal disturbances. White wine is good for thirst. Portwines and Vermouths help in case of lack of appetite, favoring a better release of gastric juice.

”Contra” arguments: white wines are not indicated in case of urolithiasis, which may lead to inflammatory process (nephritis, cystitis, etc.). It can not be drink while suffering from prostatitis.
Facts: In wine-making regions during the epidemics the amount of infected people, regularly consuming wine is much lower. The wine suppresses the tuberculosis, malaria bacteria, etc. The same effect is present if we dissolve the wine with water.


The “pro” arguments: cognac widens the veins and removes the headache; 30 ml of this drink mixed with sugar will help in case of hypertension and stenocardia. One spoon of cognac will soothe the nerves and remove the stress.
”Contra” arguments: cognac must not be consumed in cases of diabetes and cholelithiasis.
Facts: As older is the drink, as efficient are its properties. On American market during the “dry law” cognac was sold in drug stores as a medication.


The “pro” arguments: Pepper Vodka is efficient in cases of Cold and cough. In little doses it helps cure the headache (in large doses it becomes the reason of headache). A moderate dose influences the digestion. If we consume daily 25-30 grams of vodka it will decrease the level of our cholesterol.

”Contra” arguments: vodka may accomplish a faster alcohol dependency.
Facts: researches prove that strong drinks, based on refined alcohol (which is more pure from chemical point of view) lead to alcoholism, and during the healing process is much more difficult to heal the dependence of vodka than of cognac, for example. We should not think that vodka is the safest drink, because unlike cognac or whiskey, it’s more “pure”.

Do not flatter yourself!

The most probable causes of demise of an alcoholic are heart attacks, strokes, nervous system disorders. Alcohol have curing effects only on non-drinking or few drinking people. They have no effects on alcoholics. Alcohol blunts the speed of reaction.

Healthy alcohol consumption daily – healthy consumption alcohol per day
You know that all things are good when taking in small doses. Find out alcohol doses that wouldn’t harm your health or clarity of your mind

Relatively harmless dosages of alcohol per day:

•    vodka, cognac – 30-60 ml,
•    desert fortified wines – 150-200 ml
•    Champaign, simple wine – 200-300 ml
•    beer – 450-720 ml

Moderate drinking is defined as two drinks a day if you’re a male 65 and younger, or one drink a day if you’re a female or a male 66 and older. A drink is defined as 12 ounces (355 milliliters) of beer, 5 ounces (148 milliliters) of wine or 1.5 ounces (44 milliliters) of 80-proof distilled spirits.

Health problems caused by alcohol

Regularly consuming alcohol is correlated with an increased risk of developing alcoholism, cardiovascular disease, malabsorption, chronic pancreatitis, alcoholic liver disease, and cancer. Damage to the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system can occur from sustained alcohol consumption.

Research has found a correlation between light consumption of alcohol, one to two alcoholic beverages per day, and reduced risk of heart disease as well as other health benefits, including reduction in all-cause mortality. However, some recent studies found that moderate consumption of alcohol did not decrease heart disease and that the positive effects may be due to methodological flaws in research studies. The subject is still controversial

Remember that these doses are approximate and that women’s reaction to alcohol is stronger than men’s.

Our advice is not to abuse and not to take excessive doses. Remember that excessive doses may harm your health!

